Terrain Generation For the Future

TerraForge3D is a Opensource procedural terrain generation toolkit as well as a procedural modellling toolkit. TerraForge3D is suitable for modern 3D Environment design. It can be used for both low poly games as well as for cinematic shots in films.

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GPU Powered

TerraForge3D utilizes the power of your GPU to generate the terrains blazing fast. TerraForge3D utilizes OpenCL 2.0 to use your GPU. With GPU mesh generation you can work with extremely huge meshs in realtime.

CPU Powered

There are somethings which cannot possible be done on a GPU as efficiently(like the node editor) so you can optionally mix GPU generation with CPU generation to get more control.

Advanced Node Editor

TerraForge3D has a very advanced Node Editor with 40+ different nodes which let you completely control how the terrain is generated. You can even use mathematical functions to shape your terrain!


TerraForge3D has several erosion algorithms(hydraulic, wind, ...) which lets you simulate the simulation on you procedurally generated terrains giving it an extra touch of realism. These algorithms simulate actual rain, wind, dust to give the best effect.

Custom Shape

Procedural is great! But sometimes there must be a human touch! Thus TerraForge3D lets you customize your terrain by pmanyally placing terrrain features like hills, caters, cliffs, etc and combine it with procedural terrain.

Custom Sky

TerraForge3D allows you to completely customize the sky. You can use a sky box, sky dome. You can procedurally generate a sky or use a HDRI.

Sea Level Visualization

TerraForge3D also lets you visualize a sea to give you a idea of the sea level.


TerraForge3D can export to a whole lot of 3D file formats like OBJ, GLTF, GLB, STL, ... . Also you can export heightmaps as PNG, JPG, ... . This makes TerraForge3D totally compitable with any program you can think of! Be it Blender, Unreal Engine, Uniy, Maya, anything.


Send us your artwork via out discord server or email us at terraforge3d@gmail.com
  • All
  • Concept Art
  • Game Art
  • Cinematic
The Deserted Night

Jaysmito Mukherjee

Erupting Volcano

Jaysmito Mukherjee

Rocky Lands

Jacobs Sight

Snaky River

Jaysmito Mukherjee

The Desert

Jaysmito Mukherjee

The Wet Mossland

Jaysmito Mukherjee

Send us your artwork via out discord server or email us at terraforge3d@gmail.com

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